This drug was originally produced in Europe. The version available today is a market product made in a real lab. This is a steroid that is a counterfeit, but it is
the real drug according to at least one report. In fact in the course of surveying numerous steroid users, Stromba was rated as one of the best oral steroids for
gaining muscle size and weight. Users reported dramatic weight gains after taking the drug for as little as three weeks. Most of the athletes knew it was a counterfeit,
but none suffered any suspicious adverse reactions while taking it, Stanozolol is a high anabolic, low androgenic product. It usually does not aromatise,
but it can be toxic to the liver in high dosages. Women often get good results with stanozolol, but it can turn out to be too much for some, who suffer virilising
effects from it at even the lowest dosages. An average dose of Stromba is 20 mg to 40 mg daily for men, 5 mg to 10 mg for women. It costs about $45 for
100 tabs, and is still easily attained on the black market.