Sostanon 250
Brand Names: Durandron, Sostenon 250, Sustanon, Sustanon 250, Deposterona,
Description: Each sostanon 250 preload contains the following:
Testosterone propionate 30 mg, Testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg, Testosterone isocaproate 60 mg, Testosterone decanoate 100 mg,
250 mgs. / 1 cc. vials or preloads. Sostanon 250 is one of the most popular steroids and for good reason. It is precisely set up to give you results for up to a
month after injection because each of the testosterones that make up sostanon 250 stay active in the body for differing time periods. It gives you almost instant
results that you can feel since it will hit you about 3 hours after your first injection. The reason for this is the fast acting properties of the testosterone propionate
that is in it. The testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone isocaproate will typically stay active for about 2-3 weeks each and the testosterone decanoate
stays active in the body for up to a month. This combination is what gives sostanon 250 its quick onset which continues to hit you for about 4 weeks after the
last injection. This drug also degrades and tapers nicely for the same reasons. Some people will argue that sostanon is good because since it is made up of
multiple types of testosterone, that it “will hit multiple androgen receptors.” This could not be further from the truth. You only have one type of androgen receptor.
All steroids hit the same androgen receptor regardless of what you are taking.
Sostanon 250 is highly anabolic as well as highly androgenic. This makes it a favorite of those trying to bulk up. It is a steroid that gives you what you are
looking for; that 20-25 lbs during a 6 week cycle for most steroid novices. You gain mass rapidly and get a nice kick in stength as well while taking this drug.
There is almost a synergistic action to sostanon 250, meaning that the combination of the various testosterones in it work better together than the sum of their
parts. In this example, 1+1+1+1=5!
Another nice aspect of sostanon 250 is that it aromatizes less and gives you less water retention than other testosterones. This tranlates to a lower risk of gyno
and will tend to not give you as much of a “puffy look” as say testosterone cypionate or enanthate would. For these reasons alone, you can see why sostanon
250 would be preferred to other steroids. It is also fairly easy to obtain on the black market and a cinch to buy in Mexico as just about every pharmacy stocks
the bodybuilders friend, Sostanon 250!
Side Effects: The side effects tend to resemble other types of testosterones but it tends to not be as harsh. The typical side effects can include the following: nausea,
leukopenia, symptoms resembling a peptic ulcer, acne, edema (water retention), excitation or increased aggressiveness (commonly referred to as roid
rage), sleeplessness, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, hypertension, prolonged blood clotting time, increase in libido. Females had reported: menstrul irregularities,
post-menopausal bleeding, swelling of the breasts, hoarseness or deepening of the voice, enlargement of the clitoris, and water retention. Men had reported:
cases of impotence, chronic priapism, epididymitis, inhibition of testicular function, oligospermia, and bladder irritability. Some people that take sostanon 250
have reported “flu like” symptoms as well. These symptoms include a higher than normal fever, stomach aches, being tired, etc. These side effects tend to go
away after a few days and should not deter you from your goals of gaining muscle mass!
Effective Dose: 250 - 1000 mg / weekly. Sostanon is designed to be a time released steroid though and could theoretically be taken as little as once a month
since it stays active in your body for that time period, but for bodybuilding purposes, this is not practical. More commonly, bodybuilders will take between 500
- 750 mg per week for the desired effects. I have heard, and I am saying heard of people taking obscene amounts of sostanon though. I am talking about
3000 mg a week for some of these people. This is of course both stupid and wasteful, but I thought I would fill you in on the extremes.
Street Price: $16 - 20 / preload. Can be purchased in Mexico for around $6-7 American Dollars each.
Stacking Info: Very powerful drug which stacks with other steroids very well in a bulking cycle. Sostanon 250 is commonly taken along with anadrol 50, dianabol,
deca durabolin if they are looking to “mass up”. You can take with parabolan, winstol, or primobolan if you are looking for more quality muscle gains
that would also tend to stay with you longer. It is not typically taken precontest as there is still some water retention associated with taking this drug.