Sten is an low dose testosterone blend produced in Mexico. Each 2ml ampule of Sten contains 25 mg testosterone propionate, 75mg testosterone cypionate
along with 20mg DHEA. Holding the DHEA irrelevant at the moment, this steroid basically contains 50mg of testosterone per ml. With testosterone, 200-400mg
per week is most common, so when used by athlete’s, 3 or 4 ampules of Sten are usually injected per week in divided doses to break up the injection volume.
Still, this adds up to 6 or 8 ml per week which is quite a bit when compared to other products like Sustanon. For this reason, Sten is generally used only when
other testosterones are unavailable. In Mexico, 2 ampules are packaged in a box along with a 3ml syringe (odd) and sells for about $5. Here in the U.S., one
ampule of Sten is often priced as high as $10. As of yet, Sten should probably be considered a safe buy.