Discontinued names: Metandren / Android. 25 mg tabs Oral, 100/bottle by LACROIX Labs, Monaco Cedex sold in just about every drug store south of the
Boarder in Mexico. Cost about $20-$25. This drug is oral testosterone. It`s mainly a male androgen replacement. More androgenic than anabolic dosages are
one to two tabs per day. It aromatizes easily, and for the most part is obsolete, except for a few limited uses which work great. Methyltestosterone tabs take
about 30 min, to get into the system, this drug promotes Agression, perhaps better than any other steroid. The Agression lasts about 1 1/2 to two hours with
deminishing effects optimal max.Dose 50 mg per day. Best taken before weightlifting workout. It makes you very agressive while you workout, thus makes you
work harder, stronger, and with more focus. It increases your strength via agression, it seems to contribuite to health and added energy. This belongs to the 17
Alpha-group of steroid which will cause mildly elevated liver function tasts. As with any 17 alpha group steroid basic liver function tests should be monitored.
Due to the agressive nature of this steroid using it in conjunction with alcohol, other drugs, or steroids is not advisable.