Methandriol Dipropionate
This drug is derived from androstenediol, which is a metabolite of testosterone. It has not been seen in any form for several years in the athletic community. Just
recently though it has shown up in a couple of new vet drugs from Australia; Spectriol and Drive. Methandriol itself is a high anabolic, high androgenic steroid.
It is used for strength and weight gains. Some lifters feel it works well stacked with injectable testosterones. One claim is that it enhances receptor stimulation,
causing the drug it is stacked with to bind better to androgen sites at the cell. Perhaps this is why the two new drugs previously mentioned are combination
drugs. Methandriol will aromatise and it is moderately toxic. A popular counterfeit, Abolic injection or Metabolin claimed to be Methandriol dipropionate. It
was quite abundant on the market, but has pretty much disappeared from the market at this time.