Depo Testosterone
(testosterone cypionate) 200mg/cc 10cc/vial
This is an oil based injectable form of testosterone. It is high in androgens and is very anabolic as well. Depo-Testosterone aromatizes quite easily. Water retention
is often a problem when this drug is used. It is only moderately toxic to the liver, but can cause a marked disturbance in the body’s endogenous production
of testosterone. Depo-test is often a dramatic size and strength building drug. It can be stacked with a number of steroids and come out to be a great bulking
cycle. This drug is the most popular testosterone used by athlete.
Although the gains a person can make on testosterone’s are dramatic, the size and strength lost when the drug is stopped is also dramatic for most. This can be
compounded by the body’s suppressed endogenous testosterone production. Some users have minimal losses if they take Nolvadex throughout the cycle, come
off the drug very slowly, and take HCG right after the cycle. When taken in moderate dosages, its gains can outweigh its down side. Effective dosages for men
are in the range of 1cc to 3cc per week, women should not be using any testosterone.