This drug is very similar to Depo-Testosterone; it is injectable testosterone in oil. It is high androgenic, high anabolic, aromatizes easily, and is moderately toxic
to the liver. The main difference between Delatestrl and Depo-Testosterone is that Dela has a longer life. It remains active for over two weeks. This drug does
tend to cause very bad edema in some, which results in that familiar puffy look. This is all right for a lot of powerlifters who actually gain strength from the
excess water. The majority prefers dept, but some feel Dela is just as good or even better for gaining size and strength. The real advantage of Dela is that a
shot of Dela is only required about every 10 days to keep it working well. This can save comfort and money for the user. Nolvadex should always be used
along with this drug. Effective dosages range from 1cc to 3ccs every 10 days.