(oxandrolone) 2.5mg tab 100/bottle
Also under the name Lipo-Dex and Nilavar. Anavar is manufactured by searle lavatories under the brand name, and by spa labs under the generic name
Oxandrolone. The brand name drug is made under a certain number of loss per year. This if it sells out before the end of the year, the product just disappears.
Searle does not make more until the next term. This keeps the price of anavar high, and availability low. Anavar is typically prescribed on a 2 - tablet, twice
daily routine. The drug is better absorbed when taken right after meals. Woman have started with one tablet twice daily. This is thought to be the optimal dose
for woman. The drug can be used in combination with other steroids for optimum results after a plateau is reached on the anavar alone. If some size is
required, but no injection is desired, dianabol or anadrol can be combined with the anavar. Here the user would add 1 dianabol tab twice daily or a half
anadrol twice daily. Later, and for greater size, going to 4 dianabol tabs, or to anadrol per day has worked well . for greater gains the user would add an
injectable steroid to the cycle instead of the previously mentioned orals. The injection would vary from deca for cutting, to testosterone for weight and strength
gains. Research shows that anavar is the one anabolic steroid least likely to cause any side effects . there are very rarely reports of ill effects of any kind using
anavar . there is seldom any fluid gains with this drug, which makes it the drug of choice with potential blood pressure problem uses . anavar is also good
trade for persons who need to keep their weight down, either for cutting or like a powerlifter who needs to make weight . Thus you will see a number of bodybuilders
using anavar the last two months before competing. Some powerlifters claim that this steroid is No. 1 for gaining strength without water weight. The
use of the low androgenic product is quite popular with women. Very little masculinisation in any form have been seen among woman who have used this
trade at a dose of 5 mg daily. Most women start out on 1 tablet per day and go up to three tablets daily. The dosage of 5 mg of anavar per day has worked
out to be the optimum. The first signs of virilisaton could include persistent hoarseness, deepening of the women’s voice, acne, decreased libido, and/or clitoral
enlargement. If any of these symptoms should show, the woman should get of the trade immediately. Anavar will not aromatize. This means of course it’s one of
the very few anabolic steroids that will not convert to estrogen at any dosage. This means it will not cause that soft look to the muscles or will it lead to the
development of breast tissue in men. Some persons will convert much more of a steroid to estrogen than others. These people can use a dosage starting with 2
tabs twice daily, and reaching a maximum dose of .1 MG of the add per pound of body weight. Often the user plateaus on the drug alone, he might add a
small dose of deca that would not aggravate any existing gynecomastia. Or a daily dose of 10 MG of halotestin could be added to the anavar cycle to
increase strength and hardness, while having no aromatize in effect. Anavar is a multi-purpose steroid. Its very low toxicity makes it safe to take, even on lower
cycles. It is advised that a high protein diet be maintained while taking anavar to insure its effectiveness. It is been counterfeit under the Spa label. Watch for
the Searle liable to be safe.