nandrolone hexyloxyphenyipropionate
Trade names: Anador 50 mg/ml; Pharmacia FR Anadur 50 mg/ml; Kabi Pharmacia G, A, CH,O; Pharmacia B, NL, Fl, CZ Anadur 50 mg/2m1; Eczacibasi
TK Anadur 25 mg/ml; Lundbeck DK Anadur 25 mg/ml; Lundbeck DK Anadur (o.c.)25 mg/ml; Leo ES Anadurin 50 mg/ml; Xponei GR
Anadur is one of many steroids which contains the compound nandrolone. Although available in many countries athletes do not use it often. Since its effect is
similar to Deca-Durabolin’s most people see no reason to take Anadur. This product does, however have a few characteristics, which make it different from
“Deca” and therefore an interesting drug. Anadur is the longest lasting nandrolone. After only one injection the substance remains active in the body for four
weeks. Anadur, above all, has an anabolic effect, which stimulates the protein synthesis and, as with all nandrolones, requires a high protein intake. Although
almost everyone knows that during the intake of steroids more protein is needed, the effect of nandrolone depends on this requirement more than any other
steroid. Although this is generally uncommon with steroid products, the consumer information on Anadur points out this fact: “During treatment with Anadur care
must be taken that the patient eats a fully balanced diet with adequate protein.” In practice, it has been shown that a daily minimum amount of I - 1.5
mg/pound of body weight is required. Anadur is not a steroid to be used to achieve rapid gains in weight and strength but is a classic, basic anabolic steroid
which can be stored in the body, allowing a slow but solid muscle gain and an even strength gain. Athletes using Anadur report less water retention than with
Deca. For this reason some bodybuilders prefer Anadur when preparing for a competition. It must be observed, however, that in this phase usage of Anadur should be combined with stronger androgenic steroids such as Parabolan or Testosterone propionate, since the androgenic effect of Anadur is too low to protect
against the loss of muscle from overtraining during a diet. Because of its slow, even, and compatible effect it is mostly used during steroid treatments which
last for several months. For the most part, progress made during this period usually remains after discontinuing the product. Anadur is also a suitable compound
for steroid novices and female athletes. When taking 50-100 mg every 10 days women normally show no virilization symptoms and they like to combine
Anadur with Wmstrol tablets, Primobolan 5-tablets, or Oxandrolone. Men do not have to take antiestrogens since Anadur aromatizes only lightly and only in
rare cases does it lead to gynecomastia.
The side effects of Anadur are even less than those of Deca-Durabolin. Liver damage can be excluded so that it can even be taken by people with liver disease.
Virilization symptoms such as acne, hoarseness, deep voice, hirsutism, and increase in libido only occur, if at all, in very sensitive women. A higher blood pressure,
due to a low water and salt retention, cannot be excluded but rarely occurs. The use of testosterone-stimulating compounds such as HCG or Clomid is not
necessary since Anadur influences the hypothalamohypophysial testicular axis only slightly so that the endogenous testosterone production is not significantly
reduced and the risk of a spermatogenic inhibition is minimal. Anadur is a very compatible steroid, which improves the general condition and well being of its
user. Some athletes mention an improved psychological well being. As for the dosage, good results can be obtained with 200 mg every 10 days. Contrary to
Deca, which athletes usually inject weekly, Anadur produces extremely long effects, allowing large intervals between injections. It is inconvenient for athletes
that most of them must fall back on the German or Belgian Anadur, or French Anador which requires the purchase and injection of four 50 mg ampules.
Athletes who are not afraid of larger injections therefore use one large 4-ml injection every 10 days. The high price of Anadur can really frighten the athlete.
On the U.S. black market, one large ampule costs approx. $13 to $15. A U.S pharmaceutical product does not exist. The Belgian and Turkish Anadur, the
French Anador, and the Greek version Anadurin are individually packed and costs approx. $10-I5 per 50mg/ampule on the black market