Primobolan Depot
Primobolan Depot is an injectable steroid produced by Schering and sold in various parts of the world. It contains the steroid metenolone enanthate, which is a
long acting anabolic with extremely low androgenic properties. The anabolic properties of this steroid also are mild. Primobolan is most commonly used during
cutting cycles although some users do stack it with stronger drugs like testosterone and Dianabol for mass cycles. This drug is most commonly injected on a
weekly basis and dosages range widely. At 100-200 mg weekly Primobolan should not interfere with natural testosterone levels and should not produce noticeable
side effects. In Europe it is not uncommon for Primobolan to be used at such doses for long term therapy. Among athletes, steroid novices will respond to
weekly doses of 200 mg but regular users often inject much higher doses looking for a stronger anabolic effect. Primobolan Depot comes in 1ml glass ampules
containing 100mg of the drug in Europe and 50mg throughout areas of South America. In the U.S. the 50mg ampules from Mexico and 100mg ampules from
Spain most commonly show up.