Primobolan Acetate

This is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which is very popular with bodybuilders. The drug is very low androgenic compound and it is not toxic to the liver.
Primobolan will not aromatise, and it is one of very few steroids, which have proven to be effective on a low calorie diet. This is why so many pre-contest bodybuilders
use it, including the best in the business. While using Primobolan, a lifter can shed fat and retain muscle better than with any other steroid. It will not
result in massive weight or strength gains, but some like to use it on muscle building cycles, especially women. In fact a great number of women do use this
drug, and for them it is one of very few steroids they should ever experiment with. Users report fair but high quality muscle gains with Primobolan. Side effects
seldom result from its use, even in high dosages. The Acetate version of this drug is the most popular. Users say it has the most “kick” of all the Primobolans.
Even though this product is an oil based injectable, it is very fast in and out of the system. Therefore shots are taken every other day, at an average dosage of
20 mg per shot half that for women. This drug’s major drawback is that the shots can be extremely painful for a lot of people. It seems there are a great number
of people who are allergic to acetates. Once found abundantly on the U.S. black market, Primobolan Acetate is now very hard to find. It costs around $12
per ampule.