Equibold, (boldenone Undecylenate) 50cc or 10cc vials, 50mg per cc
This is an oil based veterinarian steroid which is a derivative or testosterone. Equipoise is very widely used by athletes. It is a high anabolic, moderate androgenic
steroid. It has low levels of toxicity and aromatizing qualities, even though it will aromatise on some more than others. The actions of the steroid are fairly
similar to dianabol without as much water retention in most cases. When stacked with a low androgen like Primobolan, Equipoise has been effective for cutting.
Stacked with testosterone it has shown the ability to enhance strength dramatically. The athletes who have used this drug reported it has shown the ability to
echance strength dramatically. The athletes who have used this drug reported consistently good results with few side effects. Dosages have been in the range of
three to six ccs a week.