Description: Epogen or EPO comes in 2000, 3000, 4000, and 10,000 IU vials. EPO is an injectable protein hormone that acts on bone marrow to stimulate
red blood cell production. This is a new drug which is being experimented with by some elite athletes especially distance runners and elite cyclists. It was developed
for patients suffering aneniia due to disease. It has been very effective for what it is designed for and sometimes is used as a replacement for blood transfusions.
Athletes use this drug to dramatically increase red blood cells which are the oxygen carrying components of blood. Athletes are well aware that if they
can increase the oxygen-storing ability of their blood they can increase performance. This is the theory behind blood doping. EPO does the same thing but is
more convenient considering the use of EPO just requires a number of injections. Blood doping requires drawing out approximately a liter of blood, freezing it,
then thawing it and reinfusing it several weeks later. Unfortunately, EPO has some serious dangers associated with it. It is suspected to be the cause of over half
a dozen deaths amongst a circle of elite Dutch cyclists. EPO has a dramatic effect on hematocrit which is the percentage of red blood cells in blood. A hematocrit
of 40 means that 40% of the volume of blood is composed of red blood cells which is about normal. Athletes not uncommonly have a higher-than-average
hematocrit. When an athlete injects EPO, there hematocrit can rise as much as 40%. This results in an especially high concentration of RBCS. The danger sets
in when this hematocrit level gets too high. At this point, blood could literally ‘clog up’ an artery leading to a vascular disaster in the form of a heart attack
stroke, cardiac failure, or a condition called pulmonary edema; this is a form of water logging of the lungs because of left ventricular failure. The potential for
arterial accidents becomes even greater when an athlete gets dehydrated. Obviously, marathon runners and cyclists lose large amounts of fluid during competition.
This loss of fluid can raise the concentration of hematocrit even more, increasing the risk of a fatality. EPO use is most widespread amongst endurance athletes
yet a number of weightlifters have been experimenting with it.
Effective Dose: Between 50-300 IU/kg of bodyweight. Not to be used for more than 6 weeks. Will start seeing effects after week 2.
Street Price: I don’t have a clue on the street price of this compound. Dan Duchaine did say in his Underground BodyOpus book that the cost was most than
Growth Hormone though.