
Restandol, Undestor

Description: 40mg capsules 60/bottle. This product comes under the names Androxon, Understor and Restinsol. This is an oral steroid and it’s presented in little,
oval-shaped, red cap. An oil, which contains the testosterone, is inside of these capsules. The only bad thing about this base is that it only allows the testosterone
to remain active in the system for several hours. This means that you will need to take the drug about 4 times a day for it to stay effective. Aromatization
is minimal with this agent. I don’t think that this one will do a whole lot for you personally. I would be interested to hear if any one else has had good gains
from this one.
Effective Dose: 160 mgs. / day in 4 divided doses.
Street Price: $1 / tab
Stacking Info: It needs something else such as a testosterone since I can’t tell it does much