Also under names anapolon and Andriol - 50. This is a oral are steroid which is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Box the bid is concerned strongest oral
steroid available. Androgenic Properties of this drug are just short of testosterone. The high androgens are accompanied by very high anabolic quantities. This
combination gives anadrol the potential to be a dramatic muscle building product. Strength and weight gains achieved by athletes using it have been very substantial.
The use of anadrol was quite abundant among the athletes we surveyed. Although it is powerful, it remains the highest threat for serious adverse reactions
of any steroid used today. Due to the fact that it is a C - 17 Alfa alkalated steroid, it is very toxic to the liver. It also causes excessive water retention
which can result in high blood pressure. Acne and hair loss reflect the drugs high DHT level. In long term use, this is the only drug which has substantiated evidence
to cause liver cancer. Many of the athletes reported gynecomastia while using this drug which makes an anti- estrogen drug a must. Many others report
an ill feeling while using anadrol, suffering headaches, stomach pains, and other problems. For most, this drug is just too hard on the body. Many experience a
dramatic loss of weight and strength after the cycle as well. Some users can take its, for them, one or two tablets a day was the optimal dosage. Cycles on this
drug should be kept short; four or five weeks.