Aldactone: (spironolactone) 25mg tabs 50 tabs/bottle
This drug is a mild diuretic, which works by inhibiting the effects of aldosterone in the body. As with aldactazide, it is often used for the treatment of high blood
pressure. Some pre -contest bodybuilders find it helpful in reducing excess water from abnormally high estrogen in the system. Recently woman have been using
the drug as an anti - androgen. This drug has the ability to reverse the effects of androgens in woman. This is often a very useful drug when a woman is taking
steroids and begins to suffer masculinisation. In this case woman usually stop using this parades and take Aldactone for one to three weeks; until the androgens
turn to an acceptable range. This drug like all diuretics can cause some serious side effects; muscle cramping, heart problems and dizziness to mention a few.
Aldactone is usually obtained from a doctor who helps the individual with the proper use. Due to the anti-androgenic effects of this drug, male bodybuilders use
it for only a few days at a time. It will lower androgens so significantly in some cases that gynecomastia becomes a problem. A dose of one tablet taken to
times daily was most Common.